The University of Sydney

This new $500 million multidisciplinary, collaborative initiative entails a whole-of-university mission to improve the health of the nation by tackling the growing epidemic of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease – a triumvirate of ill-health responsible for half the deaths in Australia as well as for surging healthcare costs. Whereas most medical research regards diseases as exclusively biological problems, the Centre adopts a complex systems approach that recognises the causes and consequences of diseases are often more complicated than this, involving a constant and subtle interplay between our biology and the society we live in. This presents an intriguing but intricate web of challenges. To address these, the Centre links together a broad community of researchers from many disciplines, leveraging the wealth of expertise in the University’s 16 faculties, associated clinical schools, and network of national and international collaborations. Through new paradigms of research and education, and new models for partnering with industry, government and communities, the Centre aims to turn research and scientific discoveries into innovative solutions that will improve and transform lives within Australia and around the world.
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