(Double tap a session to add to favourites)
SBN Executive Committee Meeting
INF Executive Meeting
BSN Committee Meeting
SBN Orientation
Opening Ceremony
Geoffrey Harris Lecture
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Gareth Leng
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History of Neuroendocrinology Lecture
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Jacques Epelbaum
Afternoon Tea
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SBN Executive Committee Meeting with Committee Chairs and Advisory Board
Symposium 1: Developmental pathways to obesity (SBN)
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Tracy Bale
Symposium 1: Kisspeptin
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Robert Peter Millar & Iain Clarke
Symposium 1: Stress, coping and interactions with life challenges
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: John A. Russell & Heather Caldwell
Symposium 1: Anterior pituitary function
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Patrice Mollard & Chen Chen
Welcome Reception
Early Career Research / Student Social
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The Breakfast Series: Reproduction it’s all inside your head - thoughts from Monash
Pretenured faculty workshop
Plenary Lecture 1
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Allan Herbison
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Morning Tea
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Symposium 2: Nutrient sensing by the brain and its role in obesity
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Brian Oldfield & Julian Mercer
Symposium 2: Modulation of physiology and behaviour by hormones during the annual cycle: Lessons from Australia (SBN)
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Gregory Ball
Symposium 2: "Stressed out" parents: novel epigenetic mechanisms involved in transgenerational programming of the brain
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Megan Holmes & Margaret Morris
Symposium 2: Neurohypophyseal peptides
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Colin Brown & Yoichi Ueta
Hormones & Behaviour Board Meeting
Speed Mentoring
Poster Session 1 and Trade Exhibit
Poster Session 1 - Behavioural neuroendocrinology I
Poster Session 1 - Body weight and metabolism I
Poster Session 1 - Circadian and seasonal rhythms
Poster Session 1 - Epigenetics and programming
Poster Session 1 - Growth and development
Poster Session 1 - Hormones and higher brain function
Poster Session 1 - Neuroendocrine regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System
Poster Session 1 - Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction I
Poster Session 1 - Neuroendocrinology of Stress I
Poster Session 1 - Neuroendocrinology of Thyroid
Poster Session 1 - Neuropeptides and neuropeptide receptors
Afternoon Tea
SNE/Servier prize lectures
Chair: Vincent Prevot
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Submitted Orals 1: Behaviour
Chairs: Colin Saldanha & Robert Meisel
Submitted Orals 1: Obesity 1
Chairs: Perry Barrett & Alexander Tups
Growth hormone neuroendocrinology
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Jacques Benoit Lecture
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Vincent Prevot
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PD Workshop: Generating a five year plan
The Breakfast Series: "New developments on the Y-front - the latest from the Garvan"
Post Doc Workshop
Plenary Lecture 2
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Akira Shimatsu
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Morning Tea
Symposium 3: Peripheral regulation of brain reward circuits and ingestive behaviour
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Zane Andrews & Brian Hyland
Symposium 3: GnRH neurons: novel aspects revealed by electrophysiological and anatomical analysis
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Jeremy Smith & Christian Broberger
Symposium 3: Sex-specific markers of susceptibility to stress-related mental illness (SBN)
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Rebecca Shansky
Symposium 3: Evolution and phylogeny of peptides and peptide receptors in non-mammalian systems
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Molly Dickens & Christine Jasoni
Teaching Neuroendocrinology
Poster Session 2 and Trade Exhibit
Poster Session 2 - Behavioural neuroendocrinology II
Poster Session 2 - Body weight and metabolism II
Poster Session 2 - Clinical neuroendocrinology
Poster Session 2 - Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction II
Poster Session 2 - Neuroendocrinology of Stress II
Poster Session 2 - Neurohypophyseal hormones
Poster Session 2 - Other
Poster Session 2 - Reproduction and Sex
Afternoon Tea
SBN Elsevier Lecture
Chair: Cheryl Sisk
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Submitted Orals 2: Reproduction 1
Chairs: Alexander Kauffman & Robert Goodman
Submitted Orals 2: Peptides
Chairs: Andrew Gundlach & Simone Meddle
The neuroendocrinology of energy balance
Chair: Brian Oldfield
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SBN Business Meeting
Pre-dinner drinks
Conference Dinner
The Breakfast Series: "Easing the burden of Obesity - the newly formed Charles Perkins Centre as a model collaborative hub"
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Plenary Lecture 3
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Kim Wallen
Prix SNE lecture
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Vincent Prevot
Morning Tea
Symposium 4: Thyroid signalling in the brain
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Fran Ebling & Belinda Henry
Symposium 4: Developmental programming of the reproductive axis
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Greg Anderson & Rebecca Campbell
Symposium 4: Novel effects of stress on the brain - a cellular and mechanistic approach
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chairs: Jaideep Bains & Michael Cowley
Symposium 4: Luteinizing hormone (LH) and its relationship to memory and Alzheimer's disease (SBN)
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Jan Thornton
SBN Awards Symposium
Submitted Orals 3: Reproduction 2
Chairs: William Colledge & Lance Kriegsfeld
Submitted Orals 3: Obesity 2
Chairs: Jill Schneider & Simon Luckman
Afternoon Tea
Mick Harbusz Award Lecture BSN
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Dave Grattan
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Mortyn Jones Lecture
Invited Speaker Abstract
Chair: Kevin O'Byrne
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