Neuronal luteinizing hormone receptor activation affects synaptic plasticity (#197)
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Glucocorticoid pattern-dependent gene regulation in the rat hippocampus (#198)
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The effect of Oestrogen on Human Brain Tryptophan metabolism (#199)
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The estrogen receptor β modulates the expression of cell cycle regulators in pituitary cells (#200)
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The effects of the selective estrogen receptor modulator, raloxifene, on dopamine-induced locomotion depends on sex steroid background (#202)
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Influence of menstrual cycle on heart rate changes elicited by affective visual stimuli (#203)
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Failure of thyroid hormone treatment to prevent inflammation-induced white matter injury in the immature brain (#204)
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Neurosteroids as potential markers for the diagnosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus (#205)
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Puberty-induced changes in neuron number in the male and female rat medial prefrontal cortex (#206)
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Oral contraceptive androgenicity impacts cognitive performance in multiple sexually-dimorphic domains (#207)
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Higher Testosterone Levels Are Correlated with Poorer Verbal Memory in Women with Chronic Schizophrenia (#208)
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