Sebastien Bouret
Inserm U1172, CEDEX, France
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Sebastien Bouret, Ph.D. is a Research Director at the Neuroendocrinology unit of Inserm in Lille France. Dr. Bouret has a broad background in the field of metabolic programming and the neurobiology of obesity. His research has directly led to several breakthroughs in the understanding of the complex hormonal signals and neurodevelopmental substrates responsible for appetite and glucose regulation.
Dr. Bouret has published more than 65 articles, reviews, and book chapters. In addition, Dr. Bouret has served on numerous journal editorial boards, organizing committees and grant review panels (he is currently a member of the NNRS study section of the NIH) and has been invited to lecture internationally.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Leptin inhibits dopaminergic neurite outgrowth from the developing ventral midbrain in mice (#189)
1:00 PM
Naomi Penfold
Poster Session 1 - Epigenetics and programming
Hypothalamic tanycytes are an ERK-gated conduit for leptin into the brain (#36)
3:00 PM
Eglantine Balland
SNE/Servier prize lectures